

2014年6月6日 15:54 阅读 14

What are tango embellishments? 什么是探戈装饰步?

Tango embellishments - adornos in Spanish - are small decorations added to the steps. They are used to infuse expression to the dance; to make it look and feel more beautiful. The vast majority of embellishments are done by the followers, though a few are done by men.


Are tango embellishments difficult? 探戈装饰步难吗?

Like all tango steps, they are easy to learn but take a lifetime to master.

Stability, poise and precise timing need to be maintained before, during and after the embellishment, whose difficulty increases with the speed of the step. An embellishment should not interrupt the flow of either the leader or the follower.



When can a tango embellishment be executed? 什么时机可以做装饰步?

In general, an embellishment can be executed during either a pause or as part of a movement.

During a pause, the lead or follower may use their free leg to decorate as they see fit. When the follower is executing an embellishment, she must be ready to step again when requested by the lead.



Take the Embellishments Tour 装饰步一览

The following tango embellishments are covered by clicking on the relevant links below. Each page gives further details and instructional videos on each embellishment.

• AGUJA (NEEDLE) - this embellishment is performed by the lead keeping his free foot vertical whilst pivoting, as the follower dances around him. 当跟随者围绕引带者舞蹈时,引带者做拧转并保持自由脚垂直地面。

• AMAGUE (FEINT) - the embellishment is a 'fake move' such as a foot stamping, or by leading a step to the side of the follower, but quickly reversing. 类似跺脚的假动作,或引带者做侧步,但迅速返回。

• BOLEO (WHIP) - here the follower's free foot is thrown to the side and wraps around her leg at the knees, and her upper body counter-rotates, when an ocho is reversed in the middle. There are two variations: back boleo and front boleo. 做ocho时中途转回,上身反向拧转,导致跟随者的自由脚向侧面甩出并在膝盖处环绕。分为前boleo和后boleo。

• CARICIA (CARESS) - this is a most sensual tango embellishment, which has two variations. Thelustrada has the follower caressing the supporting leg of the lead. In the castigada the follower caresses her own supporting leg.这是最感性的探戈装饰步。分两种,lustrada指跟随者轻抚引带者的支撑腿,castigada指跟随者轻抚自己的支撑腿。

• CUATRO (FOUR) - in the cuatro, the follower flicks the lower part of her free leg backwards and up, creating the numeral 4 in profile. 跟随者向后抬起自由腿小腿,膝盖并拢,形成4的形状。

• ENROSCAR (SCREW) - this embellishment is performed by the lead keeping his free foot behind his supporting foot whilst pivoting, as the follower dances around him. A variation is thecounter-enroscar in which the free foot is kept in front of the supporting foot .当跟随者围绕引带者舞蹈时,引带者拧转并将自由脚置于支撑脚后。另一种是将自由脚置于支撑脚前。

• GANCHO (HOOK) - this embellishment has either the lead or follower swing their free leg to hook it around their partner's supporting leg, and then quickly release it. A variation is the gancho pasajero in which the gancho is executed during a transition between one step and another.引带者或跟随者摆动自由腿,使其在舞伴的支撑腿环绕并快速撤回。另一种是gancho pasajero,该装饰步在两步之间完成。

• GOLPETICO (TAP) - this is a simple tango embellishment in which the foot is tapped. It has a number of variations including the punto (tapping with the toe), golpeteo (tapping with the underside of the foot), fanfarron (rhythmic tap in time to the music), picado (upward flick of the heel) and zapatato (tapping the shoes together). 这是个简单的装饰步,用脚点地。有很多类型,包括punto(用脚趾点地),golpeteo(随音乐用脚掌或脚跟点地),picado(向上轻弹脚跟)和zapatato(鞋碰在一起)

• INTRUSION - here the free foot is quickly kicked in and out from the space between the partner's legs. It requires very good timing.自由腿在舞伴两腿间快速踢入并撤回。

• RULO (CIRCLE) - this embellishment is executed by drawing circles on the floor with the free leg.用自由腿在地板上画圈

SENTADA (SITTING) - this is a show-tango embellishment in which the follower mounts the lead's supporting leg.舞台探戈装饰,跟随者坐在引带者支撑腿上。

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